Thursday 27 June 2013

Instructional Design Model (ADDIE)

Instructional design (ID) is a systematic, systemic iterative methodology for designing instruction and instructional materials. With a firm foundation in research from the learning sciences, instructional design is also informed by research in information and media design, user interface design, and graphic design.

The process used to design your program involves A.D.D.I.E. In other words, analyzing your needs, designing an approach to meet the needs identified and to develop a program to meet your needs. Once you (the client) have approved the program, implementation of the proposed program begins. At the close of the program, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program is conducted. The A.D.D.I.E. instructional design process is a systematic, reliable and accepted industry approach method that assures quality.

Here I provide you diagram of ADDIE:

These diagram help you to illustrate in your mind what is ADDIE. Beside here I provide you others sources that can genereate your information about ADDIE instructional design methodology.

Here I provide you the link of ADDIE video to enhance you understnad more about instructional design model (ADDIE);

Have a nice day !!!

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